Monday, July 29, 2013

JSON vs. XML: Holy Wars and Container Elements

I've been working on a demo based on David Webber's CAM/Open-XDX demo for Prescription Medication Checking (PMIX). Open-XDX offers an easy way to set up a schema-based REST API for XML and JSON. I am building a mobile app with PhoneGap, AngularJS and Saxon-CE.

Originally, my demo mobile application used Saxon-CE with a bit of JQuery to coordinate Ajax calls. I soon replaced JQuery with AngularJS because I wanted a chance to use this framework, and because I liked the name "AngularSaxon". Meanwhile, I was also figuring out a way to embed a Firefox OS build within an Android PhoneGap build.

It soon became apparent that Angular, at 80K, could perform many tasks faster than Saxon-CE, at 800K, and since I had both JSON and XML available, I started shifting my focus, to allow a time trial between the two wire formats. One thing I discovered is that, whereas XSLT can handle something like:

   <Prescription id="1">...</Prescription> 
   <Prescription id="2">...</Prescription> the specific case where there is only one element, in JSON, this surfaces as the difference between an Array and an Object, which results in problems using Angular's ng-repeat directive. I was able to create a workaround in my JavaScript objects, as detailed below.

I had already created an Angular Service to handle rendering in both XSLT, using Saxon-CE, and in JSON. This Rendering Service already contained an exposed copy of the data returned from an API call, triggering an Angular Controller when the data is ready. I added the following method to the Rendering Service to insert an absent Array for a container element:

   renderingService.fixJSONContainer = 
      function(parentNode, childName) {
         if (parentNode !== undefined) {
            var childNode = parentNode[childName]
            if (!Array.isArray(childNode)) {
                parentNode[childName] = new Array(childNode)       
            return parentNode[childName]
        return []

This helper method is available to the Response Controller, since it has already been Dependency Injected. In the Response Controller, I made the following changes to the render method for JSON:

   $scope.$on('renderJSON', function() {

    $scope.pmix.resp.prescReport =[...]
    $scope.pmix.response.prescriptions =

  $scope.fixJSONContainers = function(data) {
     var prescriptionArray = 

     for (prescriptionNode in prescriptionArray) {
        prescriptionDrugArray = renderingService.fixJSONContainer(


The local method fixJSONContainers is specific to my schema, and requires intimate knowledge of the schema; where for instance, the CAM elements have makeRepeatable. Other than that, this solution is generic. In my HTML View, Angular handles the data-binding using ng-repeat directives:
   <ol id="prescriptions">
      <li ng-repeat="prescription in pmix.response.prescriptions">
      <h3> Prescription #:
      <div ng-repeat="prescriptionDrug in 
          <div> Prescription: 
              - {{prescriptionDrug['pmp:DrugStrengthText']}}
              - {{prescriptionDrug['pmp:DrugUnitOfMeasureText']}}
Once the changes have been made to the underlying Services and Controllers, the HTML View is very tight and concise, which is part of the magic of Angular. Autowired data-binding takes care of the rest.

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