Thursday, July 27, 2006

A note on skrang-iness...

Well, I'm not sure if this is one of the musical memes which Pandora uses to identify and quantify your musical tastes, however, "skranginess" is definitely the spin of one of my own musical quarks. WOXY just played Soon, by My Bloody Valentine, and props to them, it was exactly what I needed to get going on a thursday morning. Anyways, the song is driven by an intermittent wall of white noise "skrang" (plus snappy rhythm session and a quirky lolloping sample, but it's the skrang that drives the jeep, so to speak).

It's pretty much the first thing I pick up on in a song I haven't heard before. "That sounds like fun to play..." I find myself thinking, cause let's face it, making noise is fun. And playing air guitar like Pete Townsend, amirite?

There's a great moment in one of the live recordings on the Joy Division collection Still where I guess somebody hands Ian Curtis a guitar. I mean, the guy couldn't play it, but he could certainly injure it.

I've been really enjoying the underrated blog, which recently blogged on the Band of Horses album (which I love, and is really really skrangy), which brought to mind the Valentines, who then just happened to play on the radio, so thanks underrated, and thanks WOXY!


Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.